Welcome to Raynebow Farm
Join us on our farming journey as we strive to discover and share the good life.
At Raynebow Farm, we believe in living the good life through sustainable farming practices. Our journey began with a simple desire to reconnect with nature and become self-sufficient. We are a small but passionate family team. Our farm is a haven of biodiversity, where we grow a variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables, all nurtured with care. We share our experiences, challenges, and triumphs as we learn how to farm sustainably, promote rare breeds & keep heritage crafts alive. Join us in our mission to inspire others to embrace a simpler, healthier lifestyle through the joys of farming alongside nature.
How it all began
It all began when 16 year old me, lover of animals decided that all I wanted for my birthday was a pet goat. I did my research, I asked mum and dad. The answer was no, definitely not. Well I refused to accept that answer and continued on with my research. I made contact with a lovely lady who bred Pygmy goats, I quizzed her on all aspects of goat keeping and she invited me for a visit & suggested that she may have the perfect pair for me. I booked in our visit & passed on my parents contact details. The next thing my mum is on the phone to the lovely lady who is asking if we are still coming to view the goats at the weekend. Oooops! The trip was just educational I said, to learn more about the goats and to see the type of set up we may need in the future. My parents have always been very supportive of my education and enthusiasm so they both agreed we would go on the trip. To cut a very long story short we left the visit to the Pygmy breeder full of excitement for the future having agreed to purchase two Pygmy weather (Castrated male) brothers. We had a few weeks to prepare for them but its was the start of our great adventure and we have never looked back.

Dandy one of those original goats is photographed above, he is now a grand age of 16 years old and is nicknamed "The old man". He has been with us through 3 house moves and he enjoys a relaxed life occasionally teaching the young kids some manners.
Meet our team

Gwen Atkins
Project Manager
Sheep beautician/ Goat Groom
Assistant Welfare Officer

Andrew Major
Chief Operations Officer
Lifter & Shifter
zero waste manager

Anthony Atkins
Chief Engineer
Goat Whisperer
The biscuit man

Philippa Atkins
Creative Director
Welfare Officer
Crafting enthusiast